A hip Flask is a very convenient and discrete way of Carrying Alcohol Around

5 Jul

A lot of people think that drinking liquor is bad for health.But that is not the case if you take it in responsible quantities. Even doctors have admitted to the fact that liquor taken in small quantity is good for health.Alchoal drinks

Liquor is the most popular drink in the world, and then comes soft drinks. Billions of people around the world, on an average, take a glass of liquor every day. But with the growing type of liquor, the debate between the liquor experts have also grown on which is the best hard liquor of the world. The answer to this question is subjective as different people have different preferences and likings. But for me, the following are the top 3 drinks of the world:


This is according to me one of the most satisfying drinks of the world. On a hot summer day, the taste of chilled vodka drinks will make you go gaga over it. It is one of the most popular distilled beverage and comes in a lot of flavors. Kubanskaya is one such type which is made of lemon and orange peels and Limonnaya which has a hint of lemon to it.

Okhotnichya is an interesting drink which is produced by combining lemon, ginger, herbs and coffee.  Petrovska, is the most unique drink which is made up of black peppers and red chilli peppers.

And if all the above drinks have sounded a lot different, then you can always fall back on the classic drink and that is Starka which is aged in oak casks and can be mixed with brandy and still water.

Irish Whiskey

Irish whiskey is referred to as “The Water of life” by the Irish people and they are right in doing so because of the satisfaction that you get after drinking it. It is widely accepted by many Scottish that they have learnt the art of distillation from the Irish. Irish whisky is called a royal drink, which is made from grains and fruits. These whiskies were enjoyed by Tudor kings and Queen Elizabeth the first, and even Prince of Wales can’t live without it.

Scotch Whiskey

If you are a diehard fan of whiskey, then there is a strong probability that you consider the Scottish whiskey as the best whisky of the world. And rightly so, with its smoky flavor which it gets from drying barley malt over the fires, and the smooth taste which it gets from aging in oak barrels, it is the smoothest whiskies of the world. There are a lot of different types of Scottish whiskies available in the market.

The most expensive and unique Scottish whisky is the single malt whisky which is made by combining different malt whiskies made in different years. That is why it is said that no other drink in the world can match the taste of Single malt scotch.

I am sure there are a lot of drinks which you might put in that list. After all, different people have different preferences. So, to purchase the above three or any other type of liquor, at affordable prices, visit lovescotch.com.So , what are you waiting for Order liquor online from best Online Liquor store.

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